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The Safety and Reliability Society is a Registered Charity Number 801207. As such, we are able to claim gift aid under the following declaration from you:
‘I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference”
- You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying us.
- If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equals to the tax that we reclaims, you can cancel your declaration.
- Please notify us if you change your name or address.
- If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
If you have any problems with this page, please telephone the office on 0161 393 8411 or email Thank you.