Calling SaRS Members: Nominations for SaRS Council are open
by Jacqueline Ward on Monday, 15th July 2024 at 3:51pm
Would you like to join SaRS Council and help influence the Safety and Reliability Society? There are vacancies for 2024/25 and nominations are open!
Elections will be held for Council Members to take office from the end of the Annual General Meeting, which will be held on Tuesday 12th November 2024 by Zoom meeting online
The election procedure will follow the By-laws which are available on the home page of the SaRS website under the ‘The Society’ tab (please see and-disciplinary-procedure/)
Nominations are required for vacancies arising among Corporate Members of the Council due to retirements by rotation. Nominees should be proposed and seconded by Corporate Members. Retiring members of Council who are willing to serve a further term require nomination by the same process. Please note that:
- Nominees can nominate themselves and in this case they must obtain a proposer and seconder as above
- Nominations can be made by another and in this case they must let the nominee know and together find a seconder (as the other person is proposing).
- You will be standing for election – nomination does not ensure a place on Council, this is dependent on the number of vacant places and the number of nominations – please see ballot procedure.

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