The increased digitalisation of safety-critical and other systems is leading to scrutiny of how those systems can be made more cyber resilient. Due to the ever-changing nature of both the systems themselves and their use cases, and the cyber threats and tools available to mitigate them, integrating this into existing Safety Management Systems is a recognised challenge.

But there is more change coming. Implementation of Artificial Intelligence, in particular the risks of Adversarial AI, on both the defence and attack side is taking shape with research prototypes in the field of transportation. These include evasion attacks to avoid detection and gamification of the input data sets to reduce the effectiveness of the whole system.

This webinar presents the latest research in Adversarial AI, as applied to drone recognition and evasion, human activity recognition and analysis, and mobility as service providers. Both the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and the NCSC Cyber Assessment Framework will be used to as a lens to view the impact of potential system-wide adaptation on the Safety Management System implementation.

To register for the webinar please click here

The webinar will be presented by:

Professor Weisi Guo MEng, MA, PhD. Weisi obtained his MEng, MA, and PhD degrees from the University of Cambridge. From 2012, he built an award-winning team at the University of Warwick. Since 2019, he joined Cranfield University to lead the Human Machine Intelligence Research Group. He has been PI on over £7.2m of research funding and was a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute from 2017. He has published over 140 journal papers, with key papers in: Nature, Nature Comm., Nature Comp. Science, and Nature Machine Intelligence.


Dr Emma Taylor CISSP CEng FIMechE FSaRS. Emma has 30 years engineering experience across Critical National Infrastructures: aerospace, energy and transport. A Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor in Digital Safety and Security at Cranfield University, she is implementing innovative teaching methods to. She is also a member of the Department for Transport’s Science Advisory Council and Head of Digital Safety at a VC-funded cyber security SME. Previously the Chair of a Professional Engineering Institute, the Safety and Reliability Society, she is also a peer-to-peer mentor and advocate for professional registration and personally committed to increasing deaf awareness in the engineering community and beyond.


Tuesday, 5th December 2023 at 12:30pm


Tuesday, 5th December 2023 at 1:45pm

