Where’s the evidence? Understanding safety of current systems and future technologies in healthcare

Dr Mark Sujan – Human Reliability Associates
Dr Dominic Furniss – Human Reliability Associates
Dr Chris Vincent – PDD Group

The use of new forms of medical technology offer tremendous potential for health promotion, care, and treatment. Developments in Artificial Intelligence can support the delivery of care through (for example) automated imaging processing and triage software. Advances in device connectivity, networking and user interface design are allowing drug delivery systems to become smart and catch erroneous input before an incorrect dose is delivered. Monitoring and test methods are allowing us to evolve technology in situ – providing greater levels of personalisation and precision. They also provide new ways in which care can be delivered – e.g. direct to the consumer.

From a healthcare perspective this type of intervention is an evolving science and ensuring the effectiveness, safety, and security of such interventions is vital. This event was organised with the aim of discussing the methods, challenges, and opportunities for arguing safety in this context. Underpinning this approach is a compelling, comprehensible and valid argument that the system is acceptably safe. Whereas for traditional forms of technology it is clear what this argumentation structure would look like; what forms of evidence we need to collect; and how they should be presented – for modern forms of technology the nature of the system can make it challenging to form such an argument. This event will give examples of this problem and the type of evidence that is currently being collected (relating to new forms of medical technology). It will consider the nature of evidence – e.g. the quality or rigour of the evidence that gets collected.

We will contrast the approach used in other industries (e.g. 00-56) and borrow the vocabulary that is being used to discuss factors that influence assurance. Part of this relates to the nature of the supporting evidence including replicability, trustworthiness, scope, coverage, user-defined importance (for example that required by standards or legislation), independence and reinforcement. The event will include examples of the different types of evidence that can be collected and support a discussion session surrounding an appropriate approach (or combination of approaches).

3 talks (15-20 mins each) with discussion at the end:

1) AI and software safety
2) Smart pumps and intravenous infusion administration
3) Medical device testing and regulations

Book here: https://sars-healthcare-safety.eventbrite.co.uk

It is also intended to broadcast the event as a live webinar (slides and audio only). If you would like to register for the webinar please book here: https://sars.clickmeeting.com/understanding-the-safety-of-healthcare/

Please do not book a place on both.

London Branch AGM will be held 1715-1745. All welcome.

Please see the poster for this event here



Wednesday, 22nd May 2019 at 5:15pm


Wednesday, 22nd May 2019 at 7:30pm


RSSB, The Helicon, 1 South Place, London EC2A 1SA