SaRS is delighted to announce a new series of 3 webinars on Learning Cyber Security and its Application to Safety Critical Systems with Part 1 on 18th September 2020 at 13:00 – See below for registration.

In Part 1 of the webinar series we will be re-capturing the history and the journey we have made to date relating to cyber security in safety critical systems.  You will learn the basic principles and why safety critical systems can’t be treated like “just IT”, but have unique challenges and why we needed to rethink cyber methodologies and find our own path in securing safety.

Part 2 of the series will then explore the current hot topics and the cyber threat landscape for safety critical systems.

We will close off the series in Part 3 with a look into the next wave of technology and the security questions that will need answering.

The webinars will be presented by Alzbeta Helienek, Managing Director of C4SAM

Alzbeta has 25 years of experience working in the Railway and Cyber security industry and specialised in combining the two to help solve the challenges safety critical systems face when confronted with cyber attacks. Her roles have led her to be a certified cyber security for Industrial Automation and Control systems expert and developer products and professional services in this area. C4SAM is a European start-up with its HQ in Vienna and is developing a solution to manage and secure the digital infrastructure of any business and provides SME’s with an easy and cost-efficient way to stay focused on their core business.

Please register for the webinar series here:

  • Part 1. History and basic principles – 18th September 2020 at 13:00 UK time – Please click here
  • Part 2. Today’s threats and solutions -16th October 2020 at 13:00 UK time – Please click here
  • Part 3. Future challenges and preparing the response – 13th November 2020 at 13:00 UK time – Please click here

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