The Chairman invites you to the Annual General Meeting of the Society and of the Company SARS Ltd which will be held on Tuesday 22nd November 2022 Online at 1645 for 1700.

Elected Council members from nominations will be announced at the meeting.

The program of events is as follows:

1700 – 1745 Annual General Meeting of the Safety and Reliability Society and SaRS Ltd


Documents for the Annual General meetings

Invitation to Safety and Reliability AGM
Proxy voting form
Agenda for the 39th AGM of SARS Ltd
Agenda for the 41st AGM of the Safety and Reliability Society
Abridged Accounts – SARS Ltd
Audited Accounts – Safety and Reliability Society
AGM Minutes 2020 Safety and Reliability Society
AGM Minutes 2021 SaRS Ltd

Proposed Membership Fees for 2023

Following the AGM there will be a London Branch Event (in-person in London and online – please click the link below to book.

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