SaRS becomes a Licensed Member of the Engineering Council
by Jacqueline Ward on Monday, 27th April 2020 at 7:22pm
We are delighted to announce that The Engineering Council has approved SaRS as a Licensed Member. This means that SaRS now has a Licence to register Chartered Engineers (CEng) and Incorporated Engineers (IEng).
Following development of the process and review by the Engineering Council the Licence was granted on 24th April 2020.
If you wish to register the first step is to join SaRS. If you are already a member you can find more information and application forms here.
The SaRS team are very grateful to the Engineering Council for their guidance in this process and to volunteers who have worked hard to ensure that safety and reliability professionals have the opportunity to register and record CPD.
Our members will find out more about the journey to registration in a forthcoming newsletter. If you would like to know more or have any questions please email
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