The Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS) is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to everyone regardless of race, gender, ability, religion, sexual orientation or age. The information you give u on tis form will help us to comply with our policy of ensuring equality in our services to you.

We recognise that some people may regard some of this information as personal and we have, therefore, included and option in most questions for ‘prefer not to say’. You do not have to complete all this form but it will help us to improve our services if you can complete as much as possible and submit the form.

All information SaRS collects around equality and diversity will be treated confidentially in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) and will be stored in accordance with SaRS Privacy Notice. Access to information will be strictly limited to staff involved in the process and monitoring of this data. Your data will be anonymised and used in a summarised data set only.

Please complete the questions below and press submit:

Thank you. If you have any questions about this form, please contact us at