The Chairman invites you to the Annual General Meeting of the Society and of the Company SARS Ltd which will be held on Tuesday 24th November 2020 Online at 1645 for 1700.

The program of events is as follows:

1700 – 1745 Annual General Meeting of the Safety and Reliability Society and SaRS Ltd

Due to COVID19 restrictions we are holding the Annual General meeting online this year. You can register join here if you are a SaRS Member:

Meeting ID: 965 6464 2292

Passcode: 331717

One tap mobile

+441314601196,,96564642292#,,,,,,0#,,331717# United Kingdom

+442034815237,,96564642292#,,,,,,0#,,331717# United Kingdom

Dial by your location

        +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom

        +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom

Meeting ID: 965 6464 2292

Passcode: 331717

Find your local number:

Please note that the following will be available on the Society website in due course:

Proxy voting form
Agenda for the 37th AGM of SARS Ltd
Agenda for the 39th AGM of the Safety and Reliability Society
Abridged Accounts – SARS Ltd
Audited Accounts – Safety and Reliability Society
AGM Minutes 2019 Safety and Reliability Society
AGM Minutes 2019 SaRS Ltd
Proposed Membership Fees for 2021

Following the AGM the London Branch have organsied a webinar on Smart Motorways – please book here:

This is a SARS London Branch Event

24th November 2020 at 18:15 UK time. Please register here

Smart motorways have been in the news over the last few years and an action plan has been agreed to improve the safety of existing and future motorway schemes. Come and hear from the experts on how smart motorways work, how safety is managed on Highways England’s projects, what the review into motorway safety found, and the proposed action plan.

The event will aim to have shorter presentations than usual and a longer Q&A, so you have time to ask the experts. Get your questions ready!


Max Brown is Head of Road Design for Highways England. He is technical lead for the development of smart motorways and sits on Highways England’s National Safety Control Review Group and Operations Technical Leadership Group.

Peter Whitfield sits on the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation Safety Panel, and on Highways England’s National Safety Control and Review Group and Operations Technical Leadership Group.

James Catmur was Safety Champion on the first active traffic management scheme (M42 ATM). He advises Highways England on motorway safety and is a member of the safety team on the new CHARM highway control system.

This SaRS London Branch event is now being presented as a Webinar due to the current Coronavirus restrictions.

To register for this event please click here

This event is open to both SaRS members and non-members.

If you are a member of SaRS and you would like to view past webinars please register for access to the Member Area.

If you are not a member you can find out how to join here Join SaRS

If you would like to present a webinar as part of our developing programme please contact me via email at

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